BlyssLabs & BlyssTemple Services
At Regenesis we believe Blyss is your birthright. At the core of the ReGenesis ecosystem is, are BlyssLabs Human optimization clinics, and the world famous Blyss Temple transformational plant medicine based therapies and journeys.
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BlyssLabs: Premier Human Optimization
BlyssLabs is a premier human optimization clinic specializing in advanced integrative therapies. Through the River of Light protocol, attendees undergo transformative cellular cleansing, purification, and regeneration in a caring, personalized setting. Key services include:
Comprehensive analysis through live blood analysis microbiome mapping, heavy metal testing, and functional medicine labs.
EBOO Advanced Blood Filtration & Ozone
This therapy filters & removes toxins, heavy metals, viruses, and bacteria from the blood, purifying the circulatory system.
World's “First to Market” Anti-Nano Technology
The "Blyss Nano Buster" EMP device disengages and destroys artificial intelligent self-assembling nano-technologies with the body.
IV Nutrient Therapy
Our powerful IV infusions are designed to chelate toxins and heavy metals, eradicate harmful pathogens, viruses, and intra-cellular parasites, while restoring and amplifying cellular vitality.
Hyperbaric & High Altitude Oxygen
These therapies increase oxygen saturation in tissues, accelerating healing and regeneration.
Bio-Photonic Sound and Light Therapy
We leverage advanced bio-photonic light and harmonic sound waves to ignite deep cellular regeneration, optimizing the body’s healing potential. This therapy boosts cellular energy by stimulating mitochondria to produce more ATP, strengthens cellular integrity, enhances cellular repair and regeneration.
In addition to these technologies, we utilize Photo bio-modulation, Cryotherapy, Advanced Ozone, Hydrotherapy, and Hydrogen Infused Infrared Sauna, creating a holistic approach that clears blockages and removes heavy metals and environmental toxins.
BlyssLabs: Reboot Package
Included Therapies:
  • Naturopathic & medical consultations
  • Dark field live blood analysis (pre and post)
  • EBOO blood filtration & ozone session
  • IV Nutrient support
  • Hyperbaric oxygen/live O2 high altitude therapy
  • Ionic detox foot bath
  • Frequency & Sound Healing (PEMF & Shiftwave)
  • EMP anti-nano therapy
Supplemental Therapies
Red light therapy, therapeutic infrared massage, anti-nano protocol, and molecular hydrogen.
Sacred Reciprocity/Energy Exchange
Investment $2,777 for a 1-day protocol
BlyssTemple: Sacred Medicine Ceremonies
BlyssTemple is a sacred sanctuary where ancient shamanic practices converge with modern transformative therapies, offering profound opportunities for healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. Guided by experienced facilitators, attendees can journey through carefully crafted medicine ceremonies and practices rooted in Indigenous wisdom and modern therapeutic approaches. Our Temple offerings and sacred medicine ceremonies weave together psychedelic plant medicine, sacred music, breath-work, embodied movement and somatic therapy, to access multi-dimensional states of consciousness, transmute dense energies, resolve deep rooted trauma imprints, and connect deeply with one’s sacred heart to listen to its wisdom and guidance.
Each ceremony is conducted in a safe, supportive environment, utilizing proprietary combinations of plant medicine stacks, administered gradually to ensure the nervous system is adequately prepared for the journey. These powerful substances can elevate consciousness, induce spiritual or mystical experiences, and promote profound transformational healing of deeply rooted trauma on physical, emotional, and epigenetic levels. Clargenic Plant Medicine Ceremonies, in particular, offer a profound sense of clarity and help perceive reality with greater lucidity, to enable individuals to shed their defenses and connect with their higher selves. Blyss Temple guides bring expertise from various traditional lineages, including Q’uero, Shipibo, and Taita, and are initiates in the Native American Church.
BlyssTemple: Revive Package
Ceremony Details
The journey consists of 4 Private Sacred Medicine Ceremonies over a 4-6 month period guided by two experienced facilitators. One session every 4-6 weeks approximately. We recommend that you commit to a minimum of 2 sessions to ensure that you receive sufficient support as you move through the Medicine Wheel journey of healing (please inquire for more information). Each session is between 7-9 hours depending on the journey.
Pre-Ceremony Support Therapies
Each ceremony is conducted with pre-ceremony support therapies from Blyss Labs, including Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, Frequency & Sound Healing (PEMF & ShiftWave), and Infrared Light Therapy.
Support & Integration
One monthly 60 minute phone or Zoom call for support and integration. Also practices and resources to support your journey of healing oriented to the direction of the medicine wheel journey.
Sacred Reciprocity/Energy Exchange
Investment $1,600-$2,222 (per 1-day protocol for each ceremony)
ReGenesis: Reboot & Revive Package
This comprehensive package blends the best of BlyssLabs and BlyssTemple, providing a 2.5-day immersion designed for complete transformation.
Experience a powerful fusion of cutting-edge technology and ancient wisdom, meticulously designed to revitalize every aspect of your being. Prepare for a life-changing journey of deep healing, personal transformation, rejuvenation, and spiritual connection.
Sacred Reciprocity/Energy Exchange
Investment $3,333 - $4,444 (2.5-day protocol)
Elevate your potential and step into a new realm of harmony. This experience is designed to uplift every dimension of your being.